Before you arrive for each appointment you will be given the option to check a box indicating that you prefer your Therapist wear a mask during your treatment. Otherwise you are free to enter without one.

Some Therapist’s may still choose to wear a mask even if you don’t. We continue to care for and support the diverse needs of each of our patients and EQ Wellness Team members and strive to always offer a safe space for all. Thank you for your ongoing cooperation.


Acupuncture is part of a system of medicine that originated in China more than 3000 years ago. Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny hair thin needles placed on specific anatomic points that restores the body's energy flow so that a perfect equilibrium and balance can exist. When the energy flow is restored blood and qi circulate and this allows the body to what it naturally is drawn to do, that... Read More

Acupuncture is part of a system of medicine that originated in China more than 3000 years ago. Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny hair thin needles placed on specific anatomic points that restores the body's energy flow so that a perfect equilibrium and balance can exist. When the energy flow is restored blood and qi circulate and this allows the body to what it naturally is drawn to do, that is come back to balance and heal it's self.

Qi (pronounced chee) or vital energy, flows through specific pathways in the body that follow distinct channels called Meridians.

Meridian based acupuncture is founded on an understanding of the body as a dynamic system able to regulate itself. When the body is in optimal health Qi and Blood flow with ease through the meridian system. However, life keeps throwing more and more challenges at us and it is difficult to maintain this natural balance. Each time we experience a physical injury or stress no matter how slight, our muscles tense. This can happen over and over again creating our own tension patterns. Over time if these tension patterns are not released the flow of energy gets blocked, like water getting stuck behind a dam. The disruption can lead to pain, numbness, lack of function, or illness. Acupuncture can release blocked energy in the body and stimulate function, evoking the body’s natural healing response through various physiological systems. Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. By stimulating the body’s various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain, and improve sleep, digestive function, and sense of well-being.

The insertion is relatively painless, some needles are not felt at all while others bring a slight pricking sensation, though this sensation dissipates very quickly. Be assured your acupuncturist will adjust any needles so the discomfort is minimal. Overall acupuncture is a pleasant experience. After the needles are in and the patient is comfortable and warm, it is common for people to feel so relaxed that they have a nap.

The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. Some people experience dramatic relief in the first treatment. For complex or long-standing chronic conditions, one to two treatments per week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, usually fewer visits are required, usually eight to ten visits in total. After a thorough consultation and initial treatment, your acupuncturist will work out a treatment plan with you.

The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recognizes more than 40 conditions that can be treated with acupuncture. However, it is important to remember that acupuncture treats the whole person, not just the condition. Even if your condition is not listed below, you may still benefit from acupuncture.

Pain is one of the most common and well known conditions that respond quickly to acupuncture treatments. It includes Back Pain (lower, middle or upper), Dental Pain, Facial Pain, Headache, Joint pain, Menstrual Pain, Migraines, Neck Pain, Post-operative Pain, etc.

Other commonly treated conditions recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) include:

Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy
Bell’s Palsy
Common Cold
Crohn’s Disease, Colitis
Digestive Disorders
Eye Disorders
Frozen Shoulder

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Menopausal Syndromes
Menstrual Disorders
Migraine Headaches
Morning Sickness
Nausea and Vomiting
Repetitive Stress Injury
Stroke and/or Stroke Prevention
Tennis Elbow
Urinary Disorders

Remedial Massage Therapy

Sometimes our patients say: "It hurts so good!". Deep Tissue Rehabilitation is used for the purpose of treating both acute and chronic pain conditions. Those who choose this form of treatment may have just walked off of the tennis court with a serious injury, suffered a motor vehicle accident, or struggled with a frozen shoulder or a "bad hip" for years. Other conditions that respond very ... Read More

Sometimes our patients say: "It hurts so good!". Deep Tissue Rehabilitation is used for the purpose of treating both acute and chronic pain conditions. Those who choose this form of treatment may have just walked off of the tennis court with a serious injury, suffered a motor vehicle accident, or struggled with a frozen shoulder or a "bad hip" for years.

Other conditions that respond very well to Deep Tissue Rehabilitation include tendonitis, migraine/tension headaches, chronic low back pain, hip/knee/shoulder trauma, and any injury other within soft tissue structures. It is also top choice for those who desire a deep massage therapy treatment. Equilibrium's Registered Massage Therapists will use a firmer pressure in order to access the deepest levels of muscle tissue, but will work within your pain tolerance to ensure an enjoyable experience.

Principal Massage Therapy

Principal Massage Therapy Treatments are performed by RMT's (Registered Massage Therapist) within Equilibrium that have more than 10 years of experience, and a specialty area in which they have focused. These RMT's carry extensive continuing education hours in their specific area of focus, and are committed to remaining current in their field of knowledge and focus ie. Prenatal Massage Therapy ... Read More

Principal Massage Therapy Treatments are performed by RMT's (Registered Massage Therapist) within Equilibrium that have more than 10 years of experience, and a specialty area in which they have focused. These RMT's carry extensive continuing education hours in their specific area of focus, and are committed to remaining current in their field of knowledge and focus ie. Prenatal Massage Therapy and Myofascial Treatment.

All Principal RMT's are adept at performing Deep Tissue Rehabilitation, used for the purpose of treating both acute and chronic pain conditions. Those who choose this form of treatment may have just walked off of the tennis court with a serious injury, suffered a motor vehicle accident, or struggled with a frozen shoulder or a "bad hip" for years.

Other conditions that respond very well to Deep Tissue Rehabilitation include tendonitis, migraine/tension headaches, chronic low back pain, hip/knee/shoulder trauma, and any injury other within soft tissue structures. It is also top choice for those who desire a deep massage therapy treatment. Equilibrium's RMT's will use a firmer pressure in order to access the deepest levels of muscle tissue, but will work within your pain tolerance to ensure an enjoyable experience.

Prenatal Massage Therapy

Equilibrium has three Registered Massage Therapists on staff (Jenna McMahon, Dana Sawatzky + Mary Neufeld), that each specialize in the treatment of the pregnant body. This means they have made the choice to direct their clinical focus towards aiding and abetting the many soft tissue responses that the human body experiences during pregnancy. They have taken post-graduate training and certifica... Read More

Equilibrium has three Registered Massage Therapists on staff (Jenna McMahon, Dana Sawatzky + Mary Neufeld), that each specialize in the treatment of the pregnant body. This means they have made the choice to direct their clinical focus towards aiding and abetting the many soft tissue responses that the human body experiences during pregnancy. They have taken post-graduate training and certification to deepen their understanding of both the physiological and anatomical structures involved in pregnancy.

Pre-Natal Massage Therapists have chosen to specialize in the treatment of the pregnant body. In order to do this, a Pre-natal Massage Therapist must have taken post-graduate training and certification to deepen their understanding of both the physiological and anataomical structures involved in pregnancy. Through this they also gain knowledge of the many pathological conditions that can arise during pregnancy. This allows your Pre-Natal Massage Therapist to tailor your therapeutic treatment specifically for your own changing body. While a Registered Massage Therapist can deal with standard imbalances within the body with competence, it is recommended that you choose a Pre-Natal Massage Therapist for the duration of your pregnancy.

Some women find pregnancy particularly challenging as they are forced to discontinue the usage of medications utilized prior to becoming pregnant. Whether these medications were used for chronic pain management, allergies, or even the common cold, your Pre-Natal Massage Therapist can offer you many natural treatment alternatives.

The following conditions (to name a few) can be addressed though massage therapy:

sinus congestion due to colds + allergies
migraines + tension/hormonal headaches
muscle cramps + spasms
pain in both groin + pubic bones due to overstretched ligaments (pubic symphysis disorder)
low back pain
mid/upper back pain due to added weight of breast tissue + growing abdomen
edema (swelling expecially in the lower limbs)
pregancy-induced carpal tunnel

Another important benefit of massage therapy is the relief of stress. As the body changes, regular daily living patterns have to be altered, and as your hormones fluctuate, it is important to nurture yourself. Your Pre-Natal Massage Therapist can not only assist in providing you with physical therapeutic support in this regard, but educate you on self-care techniques as well. This will help you to enjoy your pregnancy and prepare for a successful labour and delivery.

Athletic Therapy

Athletic Therapy specializes in the assessment, rehabilitation, and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. This is achieved by using a blend of rehabilitative exercises and manual techniques. Athletic Therapists treat a wide range of patients and injuries, from sports injuries to overuse or work injuries. They do this by using various treatment techniques including rehabilitative exercise ... Read More

Athletic Therapy specializes in the assessment, rehabilitation, and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. This is achieved by using a blend of rehabilitative exercises and manual techniques.

Athletic Therapists treat a wide range of patients and injuries, from sports injuries to overuse or work injuries. They do this by using various treatment techniques including rehabilitative exercise programs, joint mobilization techniques, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (Graston Technique), and electric modalities (TENS, ultrasound, IFC).

Both Athletic Therapists and Physiotherapists treat the same types of injuries. Athletic Therapists are musculoskeletal injury specialists and therefore focus on the assessment and management of musculoskeletal injuries. As a result they follow the sports medicine model of rehabilitation, which primarily uses strength, range of motion, and proprioceptive exercises to return people to their regular activity. Physiotherapist education includes a wide range of specialties, including musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, and advanced neurological conditions.

Anybody with a musculoskeletal injury can benefit from Athletic Therapy. While the roots of Athletic Therapy are based in sport medicine, the priorities and processes used are applicable to any injury.

Please bring clothing that you feel comfortable in that will allow the athletic therapist to access the injured area. There will be clothing and gowns on site for you to borrow if you do not bring any spare clothing but we want you to be as comfortable as possible for your assessment and treatment.

During the first appointment, the majority of the time will be spent conducting an in-depth initial assessment followed by a short treatment. The assessment is used to determine the nature and severity of your injury while also providing valuable information to create a follow-up treatment plan. You will be given certain exercises that you can do at home, and adherence to your home program is crucial to improving your condition.

Subsequent treatments incorporate a combination of manual therapy techniques, rehabilitative modalities, prescriptive exercise and home care programming.

Advanced Massage Therapy

Advanced Massage Therapy Treatments are performed by RMT's (Registered Massage Therapist) within Equilibrium that have 5 or more years of experience, and a specialty area in which they have focused. These RMT's carry extensive continuing education hours in their specific area of focus, and are committed to remaining current in their field of knowledge and focus ie. Prenatal Massage Therapy ... Read More

Advanced Massage Therapy Treatments are performed by RMT's (Registered Massage Therapist) within Equilibrium that have 5 or more years of experience, and a specialty area in which they have focused. These RMT's carry extensive continuing education hours in their specific area of focus, and are committed to remaining current in their field of knowledge and focus ie. Prenatal Massage Therapy

Advanced RMT's are adept at performing Deep Tissue Rehabilitation, used for the purpose of treating both acute and chronic pain conditions. Those who choose this form of treatment may have just walked off of the tennis court with a serious injury, suffered a motor vehicle accident, or struggled with a frozen shoulder or a "bad hip" for years.

Other conditions that respond very well to Deep Tissue Rehabilitation include tendonitis, migraine/tension headaches, chronic low back pain, hip/knee/shoulder trauma, and any injury other within soft tissue structures. It is also top choice for those who desire a deep massage therapy treatment. Equilibrium's RMT's will use a firmer pressure in order to access the deepest levels of muscle tissue, but will work within your pain tolerance to ensure an enjoyable experience.

Postnatal Massage Therapy

We believe that postpartum care is equally as important as prenatal care. Postnatal Massage can help ease the residual pains of labour. Aide in relaxing of your should and chest muscles after the many hours of feeding your newborn. You may recieve postnatal massage as soon as you feel ready. Your therapist has access to our pregnancy pillows and can adjust to sidelying massage if your breast ... Read More

We believe that postpartum care is equally as important as prenatal care. Postnatal Massage can help ease the residual pains of labour. Aide in relaxing of your should and chest muscles after the many hours of feeding your newborn.
You may recieve postnatal massage as soon as you feel ready. Your therapist has access to our pregnancy pillows and can adjust to sidelying massage if your breast and abdomen are sore.
Most moms prefer to come to thier appointments in order to have some quiet self care time. However, you may absolutely bring your baby with you to your appointments if child care is not available for you. We suggest choosing a time around the begging of a feeding time so that your little one is full and drowsy.

Concussion Consultation


Brendon has a passion for living a balanced healthy lifestyle; through natural bodybuilding and maintaining a well balance diet. During his competitive years in bodybuilding he learned that consistency is the key to achieving your goals. With his love of bodybuilding and a passion for helping others achieve there goals Brendon decided to become an RMT. He graduated at the top of his class in 2021 with an interest in myofascial treatments and sports massage. With his new set of tools, he is eager to empower people to live a healthier more active lifestyle.

Brendon has a passion for living a balanced healthy lifestyle; through natural bodybuilding and m... Read More

Dr. Chris graduated from the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences/ACOS with a diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture in April of the year 2000. Following a year of mentored private practice with Dr. Warren Fischer DTCM, and Dr. David Li Lam MD, DTCM, he returned to his home city of Winnipeg to begin his own practice. In 2001 he briefly returned to British Columbia to both challenge and successfully pass the new examinations set by the CTCMA (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture). These new exams set the modern standard for regulating the profession in Canada.

Dr. Chris has been practicing Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Fort Rouge/Fort Garry area since the spring of 2000. Throughout the passed 15 years, he has also taken time to work in Massage Therapy and Chiropractic offices, and is so pleased to be able to help provide health care support to the Equilibrium community.

Dr. Chris graduated from the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences/ACOS with a diploma in Tradit... Read More

With so many great therapists at EQ to choose from, who needs to book in for a Massage with Jeffery? Well, The person who needs his treatment is someone who is currently working at improving their mobility, and is frustrated by pain from rigidity, inflexibility, contractured scars, or old wounds. Life’s journey can be hazardous, and over time, you may have developed some guarded patterns of connective tissue preventing your body from moving freely. Inevitably, armoured people can no longer perceive their own armour. Jeffery’s treatment, in combination with your commitment to better movement and exercise will help restore you to a better functioning version of yourself. After completing his studies at Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy in Toronto, and becoming a certified RMT in Ontario, Jeffery moved to Winnipeg in 2006 to begin clinical treatment. In 2010, receiving Advanced Myofascial treatment from a colleague changed the course of Jeffery’s therapeutic career, and since then he has been practising Jenings Myofascial Release, having completed his Jenings Masters Series training by the end of 2012. Jeffery joined the MTAMs Research committee in 2013 in a continued pursuit to understand the complexities of connective tissue through Fascia Research. Since 2016 he has integrated Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) ProStym Stainless Steel Tools into his practise, with outstanding results, honing his skills by Volunteering as an RMT for the athletes in the 2017 Canada Summer Games, hosted by Winnipeg. Now with more than 16 years of practising Massage Therapy, Jeffery is the Chair of the Research Committee and sits on the MTAM Board of Directors, attending Research conferences, and promoting Massage Therapy research literacy to other RMTs in Manitoba.

Jeffery’s practise involves a safe, welcoming space to anyone, regardless of colour, race, gender preference or creed.

In his spare time can be found cooking in his kitchen for his family, tugging on socks with his dog Ruby, practising yoga, or looking up ancient megalithic stone structures found all over the world.

With so many great therapists at EQ to choose from, who needs to book in for a Massage with... Read More

Jensen graduated from @wcrmt Wellington College in 2018 and immediately joined the Equilibrium team. She loves the variety that comes with being a massage therapist, and being able to adjust treatment plans to be specific to each individual’s needs. Jensen believes that open communication is the key to a successful treatment, both in regards to understanding the clients’ goals for treatment, and making sure everyone in the space is comfortable and respected.

Jensen has always had a particular interest in prenatal and postpartum massage therapy, and completed continuing education courses to further her clinical focus. She expanded this skill set to include labour and delivery support and began attending births in 2019. She joins Jenna, Dana and Mary in being part of the Perinatal Massage Therapy department of Equilibrium.

Jensen loves learning and appreciates the emphasis on continued education in the profession of massage therapy and within Equilibrium. Always hungry for more knowledge and tools to use in her practice, she is always receptive to EQ’s team mentorship and can’t wait to take more courses and expand her skill sets.

Jensen graduated from @wcrmt Wellington College in 2018 and immediately joined the Equilibrium te... Read More

Offer graduated from Vancouver’s West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 1991, and practiced in multidisciplinary settings for about 10 years. He took a hiatus from practicing massage therapy to travel, write, and do some photography throughout the Eastern Seaboard, as well as trying his hand at other various careers. Following that, as luck would have it, his desire to return to the profession came together with the opportunity to do so. He volunteers on MTAM’s Insurance & Practice Management Committee since 2018, and was invited to join the Board of Directors the following year. Becoming First Vice President in 2019, he was honoured to later take on the role of MTAM President in January 2022. In his spare time, Offer has been busy writing (hopefully a novel or two), reading lots of great authors, as well as hosting and producing a podcast.

Offer graduated from Vancouver’s West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 1991, and practiced in... Read More

For eighteen years Jenna has devoted her career to soft tissue rehabilitation and prenatal, birth support and postpartum care. Soon after graduating from Wellington College in 2002 she completed multiple courses to offer clinical prenatal Massage Therapy and in January of 2006 began attending hospital births as a Labour & Delivery Support Therapist.

In 2007 she evolved professionally and certified as a yoga teacher while also branching out as an entrepreneur. She completed a 200 hour teacher training, three separate prenatal and postpartum yoga teacher trainings, structural alignment principles certification, and an advanced yoga teacher training in Indonesia. Between 2008 and 2013 she regularly offered a 10 week prenatal yoga program that she created by drawing from her work in both the field of Maternity Massage Therapy and yoga.

While she no longer actively teaches, years spent studying yoga allowed her to explore and understand mind-body (psychosomatic) response. A soft tissue treatment with her often includes careful consideration of how individual life experience, stress, or trauma can manifest physically in the body. She supports inner reflection, emotional release and curious conversations that can often reveal deeper communication the body is attempting to have. Yoga is still her go-to healing tool, and she may suggest yoga postures as home care after you leave the centre.

Recently Jenna completed 300 hours of Numasomatics Breathwork Facilitation Training. She helped co-create the Winnipeg Breathwork Collective, and has been exploring how to weave this care into her current therapeutic protocol.

When not in the office, Jenna devotes herself to family and her three “fur kids”. Her rescue dog Phillip can periodically be seen on Equilibrium’s social media platforms, and he has quite a few fans in our community!

Jenna is a member of the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba (MTAM).

For eighteen years Jenna has devoted her career to soft tissue rehabilitation and prenatal, birth... Read More

Mary graduated from Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapy in 2017 with a special interest in Prenatal Massage Therapy. She joined the EQ Wellness Team to work alongside Jenna, Dana and Jensen in the Prenatal Support Department of Equilibrium.

With a firm but gentle approach to giving a massage, Mary has passion for both injury rehabilitation and relaxation treatments. In 2019 Mary completed the Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) training, she is excited to be able to access tissue in a more specific way with these tools. Mary looks forward to the opportunity to create a wellness plan that works best for each individual patient she cares for.

Mary’s life goal is to travel in every continent, and experience what the world has to offer. She has an adventurous spirit, and is always up for an adrenaline rush - even if that includes bungee jumping, or sky walks around the CN tower.

Mary graduated from Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapy in 2017 with a special interes... Read More

Dana graduated in 2013 from the Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapies (WCRMT), with a known interest in the Prenatal Massage specialty. In school, Dana focused her studies in pregnancy and labour support relating to clinical treatment. Once she joined the Equilibrium Team, Dana moved directly into a mentorship program with Jenna McMahon to begin to hone her skill as a Prenatal Massage Therapist. Jenna and Dana now work alongside one another and have a passion for further developing a supportive prenatal and birth support department within Equilibrium.

Over the past 9 years, Dana has spent time continuing her education in both Prenatal Massage Therapy and Labour and Delivery Support. As a lifelong learner and has given part of her energy to exploring the transition a body undergoes during pregnancy and childbirth. She has been honored to have attended dozens of births with that number still increasing.

Prenatal work is only a portion of what Dana does, recently she has pursued a certification in Breathwork. A dynamic process used to explore underlying tension and nervous system dysregulation that she hopes to weave into her practice.

She wholeheartedly invites anyone to experience the relief and relaxation that massage therapy can offer. She provides a safe space for anyone to encounter their bodies with compassion and understanding.

Dana graduated in 2013 from the Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapies (WCRMT), with a ... Read More

Hi! My name is Jennifer Stephens and I am a recent graduate from Wellington College. I have a passion for helping people in my community to live with intention and feel well. I currently have 10+ years of experience working in healthcare with a focus in caring for vulnerable populations. I have found so much meaning in being welcomed into people’s spaces while supporting and caring for them. It has pushed me to seek out further education in hopes of expanding my impact.

A large part of my passion lies in developing my skills to provide perinatal support, and I am eager to continue my education. I plan to attend courses in pre & postnatal while continuously learning from and working beside the team here at Equilibrium.

When I am not working as an RTM, you can find me with my dogs, volunteering with Manitoba Underdogs Rescue or crocheting!

I am absolutely thrilled for this opportunity, and I cannot wait to support you in reaching your wellness goals!

Hi! My name is Jennifer Stephens and I am a recent graduate from Wellington College. I have a pas... Read More

Whether you have a concussion, chronic injury, a recent injury, or are simply looking to optimize the way your body works, Ryan Walkoski would be happy to treat you.

Ryan assists people with injuries resulting from everyday life, traumatic sports or training accidents, and chronic overuse issues. He uses a blend of manual therapy along with specifically designed rehabilitative exercise programs to help his clients return to better than pre-injury form.

Athletic Therapy Ryan’s interest in athletic therapy began when he injured himself during a boxing competition and was treated by an athletic therapist. Seeing how quickly he was able to recover and return to training inspired him to pursue a career in helping others do the same. This sport-focused goal quickly evolved to include athletes and non-athletes alike. After graduating from the University of Winnipeg in 2014 with a BSc. in Kinesiology, he certified as an athletic therapist in 2015.

Massage Therapy After seeing his Equilibrium colleagues’ impressive skillsets he decided to pursue massage therapy, completing his training through Evolve College of Massage Therapy and becoming an RMT in 2021.

Concussion Rehabilitation Ryan witnessed several close friends deal with persistent symptoms after experiencing concussions. He was shocked to hear about the difficulty they had finding quality care and guidance during their recovery. This inspired him to pursue the highest quality concussion assessment and rehabilitation training he could find. After some research, he found Natasha Wilch and her team. He completed her Concussion Nerds program as well as her intensive program. The Concussion Nerds model follows a detailed, comprehensive, multi-system assessment and individualized rehabilitation plan based on the findings from this assessment.

If you have recently experienced a concussion or you have been dealing with post-concussive symptoms for a while Ryan will be happy to assess your current condition.

Ryan Walkoski, CAT(C), RMT, MTAM

Whether you have a concussion, chronic injury, a recent injury, or are simply looking to optimize... Read More

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Located at: 17A-584 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg
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